Business Continuity Management




- The bank is committed to provide uninterrupted services to all our customers at all times and will make all efforts to maintain the confidence levels of the clients. Standard Chartered Bank - India has implemented a robust Business Continuity Management model in line with global best practices. The BCP framework ensures that every new business within the bank, is mandatorily taken under its governance. Every unit undergoes a process of Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and evaluates for itself for critical processes which would impact the customer, regulator and business in general. Post the conduct the BIA the Businesses and Branches prepare a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) ensuring that business is not disrupted during any crisis. Under the business continuity framework the bank has contingency plans for handling city-wide or nationwide pandemic situations including our call centres. The robustness of these plans is done regularly to ensure the bank’s preparedness to handle crisis at any time. The bank’s contingency plans are formulated & tested to enable the Bank to continue critical operations in any crisis, affecting an entire business, branch, a single building. City, Region or Country. The BCP framework is audited every year for ensuring the robustness and efficiency of the system. The bank’s contingency plans are reviewed and tested regularly to ensure appropriate enhancements are implemented as technology improves, business plans evolve, or regulatory requirements change. All business units including branches in India have tested and approved Business Continuity Plans to ensure that the bank can run smoothly and deliver services to its customers even in the event of unforeseen and disruptive circumstances. The bank follows effective and efficient methodology in maintaining the Business Continuity Plans on a regular basis. Bank also provides alternate channels for banking such as Anywhere Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, ATMs, Free access to other bank’s ATM’s etc The Bank is committed to maintain effective communications with its customer during any disruption. Should you require any help during a significant crisis or contingency, you can reach us through various channels such as our website or through our 24x7 Phone banking. The list of numbers available in this website. .


The bank follows effective and efficient methodology in maintaining the Business Continuity Plans on a regular basis. The plans are reviewed and tested regularly as per the regulatory (RBI) framework of India.